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Simplybill website redesign

22nd March 2023

Simplybill has been online since 2009 and has been updated a couple of times during that time. I am always striving to make Simplybill the best experience it can be for users and therefore want to announce some up coming changes.
Over the next few weeks, you'll see changes in the design of the website, and better usability in some areas of the website. The new design will make Simplybill look fresher, and work better on mobiles. There will also be improvements in the handling of accounts with large numbers of invoices and clients.
Don't worry though, the fundamentals of Simplybill won't be changing, and your invoices will not suddenly change (although they will have a very minor facelift). These improvements will allow Simplybill to keep serving it's users - we'd like to thank all the users for their support during the last 14+ years!

Invoicing for Small Businesses: Common Challenges and Solutions

21st March 2023

As a small business owner, you know that invoicing is an important part of your business. However, it's not always as simple as sending a bill and waiting for payment. Invoicing can come with its own set of challenges, which can cause frustration and delay payment. In this post, we'll explore some common invoicing challenges faced by small businesses, as well as solutions for overcoming these obstacles.
Challenge #1: Late Payments
One of the biggest challenges small businesses face when it comes to invoicing is getting paid on time. Late payments can cause cash flow issues and make it difficult to manage your business finances. To combat this, it's important to establish clear payment terms upfront, and follow up with clients when payments are past due. Consider implementing late payment fees to encourage clients to pay on time.
Challenge #2: Errors on Invoices
Another common challenge when it comes to invoicing is errors on the invoices themselves. This can include incorrect pricing, typos, or missing information. These errors can cause confusion for clients and lead to delayed payment. To avoid this, consider using invoicing software that automates the invoicing process and reduces the risk of human error. Always double-check your invoices before sending them out to ensure accuracy.
Challenge #3: Keeping Track of Invoices
As your business grows, it can become increasingly difficult to keep track of invoices. This can lead to missed payments and confusion about which invoices have been paid and which are still outstanding. To address this, consider using a digital invoicing system that allows you to track invoices and payments in one place. This can help you stay organized and reduce the risk of missed payments.
Challenge #4: Invoicing for International Clients
If you work with clients in other countries, you may face additional challenges when it comes to invoicing. This can include dealing with currency exchange rates, different tax laws, and cultural differences in payment practices. To address this, research the payment practices of the countries you work with, and consider using a payment platform that can handle international transactions.
Challenge #5: Managing Multiple Payment Methods
In today's digital age, clients may want to pay their invoices using a variety of methods, such as credit cards, PayPal, or bank transfers. Managing these different payment methods can be time-consuming and complicated. To address this, consider using an invoicing platform that accepts multiple payment methods and automates the payment process.
Invoicing is a critical part of running a successful small business, but it can also come with its own set of challenges. By being proactive and using the right tools and strategies, you can overcome these challenges and ensure that your invoicing process runs smoothly.

5 Common Invoicing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

14th February 2023

As a freelancer or small business owner, invoicing is a critical part of your day-to-day operations. Accurate invoicing ensures that you get paid on time, maintain good relationships with your clients, and stay on top of your finances. However, even the most experienced invoicers can make mistakes. In this post, we'll explore five common invoicing mistakes and provide tips on how to avoid them.
1. Not Including All the Details
One of the most common invoicing mistakes is not including all the necessary details on the invoice. This can include missing information such as the date, invoice number, your company name, and contact details. Ensure that you double-check all the details to avoid any confusion or delays in payment.
2. Sending Invoices Late
Sending your invoices late is another common invoicing mistake that can lead to delayed payments. Make sure to send out your invoices as soon as the job is complete or according to the agreed-upon schedule. Doing so will give your clients ample time to process and pay the invoices on time.
3. Failing to Specify Payment Terms
It's crucial to specify your payment terms in your invoices to avoid any misunderstandings with your clients. You should include details such as the payment due date, accepted payment methods, and any late payment penalties. This way, both you and your clients will be on the same page and avoid any confusion or disputes.
4. Using Inconsistent Invoicing Practices
Using inconsistent invoicing practices can create confusion and make it challenging to keep track of your finances. Make sure to use the same format, numbering system, and payment terms on all your invoices. This will make it easier for you and your clients to track your payments and maintain accurate financial records.
5. Not Following Up on Overdue Invoices
Finally, not following up on overdue invoices is another common invoicing mistake that can hurt your cash flow. It's essential to have a system in place to track your invoices and follow up on any overdue payments. You can send reminders, make phone calls, or even enlist the help of a collections agency to collect overdue payments.
In conclusion, invoicing is a critical part of any business, and it's essential to avoid common invoicing mistakes to maintain good relationships with your clients and keep your finances in order. By paying attention to the details, being consistent in your invoicing practices, and following up on overdue invoices, you'll ensure that you get paid on time and keep your business running smoothly.